Cyber Security


Cyber Security – From cyber security to blockchain use to crypto-currency, we find you the best way to keep your data safe and your organisation safer.

Data Protection compliance is a must for any business. Failure to comply with the regulatory norms can lead to significant charges, the extent of which may vary from one country to the other. Every business needs to make security the topmost priority to ensure that its computer systems are safe and secure, failing which the business can be at a significant risk.


Automatic and secure replication/ archiving/ backup and recovery of data
Capacity expansion and additional security features on demand
Solutions cover compliance of local regulatory measures
Continual innovation in products and solutions to keep your data protected


  • Greater confidence among stakeholders and customers

  • Reduced data maintenance costs

  • Helps better decision making

  • Mitigates risks of privacy

  • Increased reliance during disaster recovery


We are experienced and hold expertise in data protection and cyber security from policy assessment and drafting to insurance and data subject access requests, cross-border data flows, cyber breach, litigation, and dealing with information regulators. We extend support in the aspects of privacy, cyber security, and data protection to blockchain use, crypto-currency and all necessary online regulatory compliance issues.